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Orpington & District Caledonian Society

Orpington Summer Dance 2014

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Monday Beginners & Improvers Class 2014

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Orpington AGM 2014

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St Andrew's Dance 2013

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Autumn Dance 2013

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75th Anniversary Celebrations

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Organising Committee

This is the "Wrap Up" meeting of the sub-committee of ODCS which was set up to organise the Members' Lunch and Summer Ball.
Right to left: Angela Campbell, Deirdre Wilden, Mike Talbot (Chairman), John Cottrell and Roger Brown. Note the celestial light from above.



Studying the archive display

Studying the archive display.

Enjoying the supper

Enjoying the supper

Robin Ellis and his 8 piece Band

Robin Ellis and his 8 piece Band

Robin Ellis and his 8 piece Band

Robin Ellis and his 8 piece Band

Dancers with plenty of space

Dancers with plenty of space

Dancers with plenty of space

Dancers with plenty of space

Some rest whilst others dance to Robin Ellis and his Band

Some rest whilst others dance
to Robin Ellis and his Band

Some rest whilst others dance to Robin Ellis and his Band

Some rest whilst others dance
to Robin Ellis and his Band

Dancers and the Band

Dancers and the Band

Dancers and the Band

Dancers and the Band

Longest-standing member Esme Bate and Sheila Brown (president) cut the celebratory cake

Longest-standing member Esme Bate
and Sheila Brown (president)
cut the celebratory cake

celebratory cake

Celebratory cake

substantial lunch enjoyed by 60 old and new members

Substantial lunch enjoyed by 60
old and new members

Icare cheque presentation June 2013

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Summer Dance 2013

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Hogmanay 2011 -2012

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Youthful dancers

Youthful Dancers

General Scene

General Scene

General supper scene

General Supper Scene

Youthful dancers

Youthful Dancers

25th Monday Birthday Dance - 31st October 2011

Beginners and Improvers 'Silver & Halloween' Dance

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Autumn Dance - 9th October 2010

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Fun at the Park - Priory Gardens, Orpington - 18th September 2010

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Informal Tea Dance - 17th July 2010

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Ceilidh - February 2010

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Full House

Full House

Hi Sydney

Hi Sydney

Dainty footwork by Linda one of our 'Beginners'

Dainty footwork by Linda,
one of our 'Beginners'

Cowboys and Indians (spot the Squaw President)

Cowboys and Indians
(spot the Squaw President)

Beginners' Class Annual Birthday Party in November 2009

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Elisabeth cutting the birthday cake

Elisabeth cutting the birthday cake

'Come o, Lassie' David and Margaret

Come o, Lassie David and Margaret

Full House

Full House

Iain as we remember him: giving a helping hand

Iain as we remember him:
giving a helping hand

Hogmanay 2009/10

Click on the thumbnail picture to view full size

Roy preparing for the party

Roy preparing for the party

Tony Atkinson and Chris

Tony Atkinson and chris

Nice one Don and Angela

'Nice one, Don and Angela'



The boys showing off

The boys showing off

Nevr too young

Never too young

The last waltz

The last waltz

Welcome to the young 2010

Welcome to the young 2010

Cheers to the year 2010

'Cheers' to the year 2010

Old Father Time i.e. John Osborne

Old Father Time i.e. John Osborne

Waggle of the kilt

Paul and Angela

Paul and Angela

Orpington Hogmanay 2008

Hogmanay Dancers

Hogmanay in full swing

Shepherds Crook

Three dancers

Demonstration of the Shepherds Crook highland dance

Demonstration team

Three dancers

Photograph by News Shopper

Demonstration team

Dance demonstration bromley arts festival
photograph: Orpington and District Caledonian Society
dance demonstration
photograph: Orpington and District Caledonian Society

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