Meopham Scottish Country Dance Club

Club Evenings
We meet every Monday evening from September to mid-July (except Bank Holidays) in the Village Hall, Wrotham Road, Meopham, from 8 to 10 p.m. Visitors are most welcome: £3 charge.
The programme of dances for Monday evenings is here, and the tea rota is here.
To find out more about the Meopham Scottish Country Dance Club and their activities send an email to the Meopham Scottish Country Dance Secretary.
Club History
The club was started in 1962 by Mr Glen Pollock and his wife Amy with a group of friends. They, having learnt the basic techniques of Scottish dancing at evening classes held at Meopham School, wished to put their knowledge into practice and enjoy social dancing with other clubs in Kent. Sixty years later the club still meets each week at the village hall in Meopham. The original number of members was set at 32, enough for four sets of dancers, but numbers now vary from 16 to 26!
Mr Pollock was chairman of KASS from 1967 to 1969.