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KASS Shield

Hythe Scottish Dance Society

KASS Shield

Back in Operation!

Hythe Scottish Dance Society is back up and running after the Covid lockdown. We have a new venue which is the Hythe Sports Pavilion on South Road. It costs £4 per evening: see the term dates below.



We currently have about 20 members, and now meet at the Hythe Sports Pavilion on South Road, CT21 6AR. There is plentiful car parking at the venue. The cost is £4 per person. We welcome new members of all abilities and experience. No partner is necessary. Please contact the club secretary if you would like more information.

From the beginning of September to the end of May each year we meet from 7.30 to 9.30 on Thursday evenings, excluding the second Thursday of the month. During June, July and August we meet only once a month. The dates for the monthly meeting during 2022 are 30th June, 28th July and 25th August.

About Us


Ours is a relatively new group which started in October 2013. We were then a mixture of complete beginners and some experienced dancers, and we are still learning something new every week, under the direction of our leaders, Penny and Evelyn (pictured above), with occasional assistance from outside teachers. Although we work hard on improving our dancing, the emphasis is on enjoying it and we certainly do that!

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