Gravesend_Shield Gravesend_Shield

Gravesend & District Scottish Association

Gravesend & District Scottish Association 1923 to 2009

After 86 years the Gravesend & District Scottish Association closed in 2009. The full story of the club is given in the KASS Newsletter number 52

Other clubs in the area are:
Medway & District Caledonian Association;
Meopham Scottish Country Dance Club; and,
North Kent Scottish Association

Halloween 2006

About the Society

The Gravesend & District Scottish Association was one of the oldest Scottish Societies in Kent, having been founded in 1923.

It appears that after the First World War many Scots who had left Scotland to serve in the Armed Forces came and settled in the Gravesend area. As the gateway to the Port of London, Gravesend attracted many with a seafaring background who came and served on the Thames in various ways, including quite a number who joined the fraternity of Trinity House Pilots. The paper industry was another important magnet as many of the Scottish paper mills export their erstwhile employees to North Kent.

In the early days there were monthly socials, whist drives and good works such as organising the hospital fete. Our recorded minutes date back to 15th March 1927 and in July of that year there was an outing to Windsor by steamer with piper and piano on board! For the Hogmanay Social in 1927 one and a half gross of paper hats were ordered.

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